Just finished it!!! You my friend are really talented and I comment for the second time ever in itch.io just to let you know what a gem your game is.
I will eventually go for the rest of the endings but not yet. I am too sentimentally attached to my first playthrough right now and I need to let it sink in for a while...
THIS WAS SO GOOD this is probably the best story I've ever seen in a game. I felt tense throughout the entire thing and now I wish there was a fanbase for it T_T. 20/10
i will seriously cry again while writing this I LOVED EVERY PART OF IT GOD I WISH THE GAME WENT ON FOEVER IM NOT READY TO LET GO. It's beautifully written and i can't even begin to express my love for Esra, i'm not quick to cry but i swear tears swelled on my eyes on more than one occasion. best game ever <3
This is, honestly, one of the best games I think Ive ever played. Best game Ive seen in itch. I do find it funny that even if you one-shot the beast in the tutorial your still injured from it some how.Also its annoying that you can't actually name the save files you make, so whenever I go to load a file I have almost no idea what im actually loading. It's just trial and error.
Edit:also quick question: how do I create a normal new game after completing the game? It only lets me make new game+. I never got the forged in fire achievement.
What a game, I most definitely will go back and see how everything else plays out because I'm curious about that. For my first play through however, I managed to obtain the Terra Zero Sum (#7) for my ending.
I regrettably killed many life forms over my play through until I realized non-lethal was the way to go, but I think I made up for it. I'm definitely going to try for Proven Pacifist for NG+
I do have some nags but they're mostly unimportant, one of which is the romance option with Rivers and how you never see her again after she gets carted away when you and Shay go to visit the ship. But, I understand if it was just a small side quest.
Anyhow, I'm not sure how good "Heart of Humanity" is but it sounds like a pretty dope title. Overall, a solid 9/10 experience.
Id love to try this game but for whatever reason I cant. I try to play in the browser (due to my broke ass owning a chromebook) but all I get is a thanks for downloading screen. I try to click next or press any button on the keyboard and it never goes to next. Any suggestions? Are the brain worms convincing me its impossible to play in browser on chrome OS
Hi DeepBlue! I'm currently overseas and nowhere near my machine, so I can't troubleshoot until I'm back, sorry. :/ Can you shoot me through an email on adam.ryncraft@gmail.com with a screenshot? I can try and figure this out once I'm back home.
MY GOD THIS WAS SO GOOD! I'm gonna have to go through it again but I have no idea how I'm going to get all 15 endings without being upset about some of them lmao
I only made an account just to comment here, i was just randomly scrolling itch for a game to play when bored, saw this, thought it seemed interesting, did not expect to play this till almost 12 am, i started playing at around 5 pm.
I love it so much honestly, i dont have any bug reports but i am so invested in this games story and the characters and lore inside. I utterly adore the companion a.i. as well alongside unveiling the backstory of the world. Thank you for creating this game it is such a joy! I havent unlocked any endings yet but i have been so invested in this game, i think it has a LOT of personality, there are small grammer mistakes occassionally but you can look past them I think.
I might be one of the worse reviewers on anything purely because i cannot find the words to describe, but I do highly reccommend it. I love the story it's telling so far and the writing :]
EDIT: My bad, I did not realize that the game only told you how much damage you took AFTER your nanofiber skin absorbed some. I thought the game told you the total damage, and then told you how much was taken away from that damage without actually telling you how much damage you took.
Turns out, the game tells you 'You took this much damage' and only puts the 'your skin absorbed (number)' and adding that number to the damage would get your TOTAL damage. My bad. Also, it seems with the scene editing, the carcass issue is no longer there!! Majorly enjoying this game :) Still a huge fan :D
So my nanofiber skin does not seem to be working. I had 140 health and my enemy striked for 13 damage. Instead of taking 8 damage, I took all the thirteen damage, despite the battle thing saying it got absorbed by my nanofiber skin.
And a smaller thing is that I always subdue enemies, and it describes them fleeing or still being alive, but in the next scene it describes that their corpse is still laying there.
I'm still massively enjoying the game tho, I love it! Finally making time to read all of those extra scenes that were added :)
I'm glad you're enjoying the game and the new scenes!! And I always love when past me fixed a bug before I get to it, he's super convenient that way, lol.
Yes, unfortunately either me, my laptop or both are dumb and my save got deleted LOL. No matter now I'll just get to start all over again and it's not that much of a deal :D My only bummer is that I grinded for hours a day and now all of that is gone LOL LOL. But!! I get to read it all over again and that's the main reason I play :D
you should make sprites of the machines and X'irii, i cant help but think the X'irii are bug like people and the machines look like the robots from destiny 2 lmao
I still need to make the time to read all the new scenes :') So I have a question; if I download it so that it's staring straight at me from my desktop home page, will it update or will it stay the way it was when I downloaded it? Thank you in advance :)
Right now I am playing on browser and if the game gets updated I get to go to itch io and I have the update.
If I download it; will it update, do I have to do that manually or do I have to delete the game and download the newest version? Sorry for being unclear!!
Wow, this has been my first ever finished game on itch.io, and I am blown away! I felt so connected with the storyline and characters, I lost sleep while I was thinking about what to do next! Beautiful art and dialogue, and truly had me sentimental about many people. Thank you for this! I am now going to share this with all of my friends so I can see what type of person they are... haha!
hi! i noticed that out of nowhere shay started using she/her pronouns after going by he/him for the entirety of our previous encounters, so im curious— is shay genderfluid/nonbinary?
huh, maybe it got confused due to my sexual orientation choice— i went for mostly men but sometimes women. so shay must have been using male pronouns at first but then the game got confused and swapped it for female? i can't really think of a different reason. especially since a bit later on it was back to he/him like nothing happened. must just be a bug.
This is most likely a bug. I'm still tracking down all these pronoun errors, so if you come across any, please report them using the bug report function!
Great game and I loved it.
And f*ck you (not really, but I'm sed now).
Edit: I just got endings 11-4 and 12 and my emotions. This is the second game to ever make me choke up (first one being the happiness series). Out of all games I got more invested in two itch.io games than any actual published game.
I would really like to donate money to you. This was really good and you deserve it. If you have a donate button I cant find it. Is there a paypal I can send it to?
Thank you, I really appreciate the thought. :) But the only payment I need is knowing you enjoyed the game!
That said, it you know anyone who would like Trigaea, let them know about it! If not, that's also fine - I have surprisingly little sci-fi loving friends on my side of things, and the ones that like text-based games was even smaller. Finding beta players was a paiiiin. *Inner cry*
I adore text based games and rarely find really good ones. Unfortunately I dont have friends that like them as much as I do but i will definitely try to grab their interest!
I havent looked at your other games yet but I definitely will!
I made an itch acount just to say how good, well written and sad this game is. I hardly slept at night thinking about it. The story and atmoshpere might be better than any AAA game I played. If big studios would make an 3d game based on your lore it would go down in history. 10 / 10 Will play again.
The answer is "Yes" and "Maybe"! I've got a mobile-optimized browser version done, I've just got to test it and push it live. That should be playable through the itch.io app on the phone or a regular browser. That said, I'm aware this might add loading times and be less ideal than a downloaded version.
If it's as a proper native app on a mobile store, it's a "Maybe." It's not generally best practice to turn Twine games into APKs and release them that way, and the file size of Trigaea adds some unique issues that other Twine games released as mobile apps don't have. Still, it's something I've looked into before, and might do in the future.
Hi, thanks for the feedback! Can you please put this behind a spoiler tag, because there's some big reveals there. Just don't want to ruin things for anyone. :)
Oh,sorry , completely forgot, thanks for mentioning! I don't know how to add spoiler tag in comment section so temporarily made a warning about spoilers and put them deep into "View rest".
Its a great game but if i could givve an sugestion it would be to make save files nameable and to ask for confirmation before deleting them, just an opinion because i like to save some special parts of the game depending on what they change so i can redo them and see what happens and it gets hard to organize if the save file is a whole sentence
Hi, great question! The art is not mine but from a number of awesome sci-fi artists who have generously allowed me to use it in my game. The artists are listed in the Trigaea credits with hyperlinks to their art pages and websites.
This is the best text based Sci-fi RPG game I have ever played, In terms of being the best RPG it is only a few steps away from being the next Undertale, You already have a fandom, Just make a part 2 and you'll be #1 !!
Wow. This game is incredible. I've played a LOT of IF games and this is one of the very best. I can't believe it's free. The gameplay is simple yet rewarding: I kept expecting it to become a grind, but it never quite reached that point. The world-building is fairly standard sci-fi, but it's pretty well done. The prose itself is functional. There's some small errors here and there. The dialogue is good, and characters feel real and speak naturally.
The narrative, however, is EXCELLENT, and absolutely elevates this game above most others. The plot maintains its sense of mystery the entire way through, with just enough information dished out to keep you interested. The characters are interesting and all-too-likeable. And the dilemmas and decisions have real weight. Especially towards the end. The emotional payoff for spending time with this game was more than worth it: by the end, I was incredibly invested in the outcome, in what would happen to the world and the characters I'd met.
(I've just come back from Ending 12 to write this comment and I'm legitimately still crying.)
I'll be recommending this to anyone who will sit still enough to listen to me.
This is an amazingly beautiful game. I was really moved by all the endings and the story. The game is so well written, I'm not even much of a reader but the game's writing captivated me. An easy 10/10.
Damn, man. I highly recommend it to anyone who's wondering if you should play this or not.
Hey I was thinking of doing a blind review of this game this upcoming week. I do blind reviews of games as part of my channel now. I was thinking of doing it sometime Thursday. If you'd like to be part of the livestream as the dev, if there are some good times for your timezone, let me know before Thursday and we can adjust times.
Hi, that sounds great! That should be Friday morning for me. Feel free to send me any other details (like meeting links, etc) on adam.ryncraft@gmail.com.
Awesome! Here's the link to the video, it will stream live at the specified time. I only played about 10 minutes of your game in anticipation of a possible review and I think it looks really cool:
Feel free to keep this question and post up, I'm happy to answer.
The "Blind Review thing" is a situation in which I'm trying to do reviews on my channel, but pretty raw. If I go into a game totally blind without looking at any of it at all, it might not be ready yet as a game or whatever, and I will try to weed that out.
As for your game, I saw all the comments on it, and I also saw there wasn't a lot of videos for it, and I played for 10 minutes, and already knew it was going to be good. So I want to do a review to get your game more noticed. I am a game developer as well, but I want to review hidden gems. I think your game fits the definition of hidden gem, but I will play your game on Thursday and find out.
Please like and subscribe to our channel as well so you can see our game too. But from seeing the basics of your game, I'm seeing the very fundamentals of RPG's in your game that need to be noticed by other makers of RPG's.
Finished the game today, loved it, here's the last video where I reviewed it. Initially I got Ending 10, which I was satisfied with/ending made sense for how I would be in that position of the Character/outcome I was looking for. I will check out all the other endings too.
beautiful game. ive always loved text-based games and I assumed this one would be your run of the mill sci-fi adventure game. i was wrong, complex characters, backstories, development, and a moral that should be taken to heart are all found within this free game.
I'd write a longer review, but I just finished the game with ending 12 and I'm still trying to get over how good it is sorry.
Might come later once I've settled down to write a comprehensive review, but honestly, I'll probably be too busy completing the rest of the game to do that.
Undoubtedly one of the best games I've ever played, period. A joy from start to finish.
I just started the game but am stuck in the main menu. None of the buttons for my only save slot to set difficulty/settings/etc actually work, and when I select that load slot, the page doesn't update/change with any buttons/links that actually take me to the game itself. What steps am I missing to actually start a new game with my chosen save slot?
Hi Paulineugalde, I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble starting the game! If you email me on adam.ryncraft@gmail.com, I can work through some troubleshooting options for you, and see if we can get you started.
This is one of the few things I'm still hyper fixated on, made me feel inclined to write my own playthrough as a way to keep up with the plot (and add some personal flair and head cannons).
It also encouraged me to learn a bit about twine, writing styles and making impactful characters in narratives.
Thank you so much for making this game, the music is one of the few things that helps me feel both relaxed and hyped at the same time.
i'm absolutely inconsolable right now and it is ENTIRELY your fault
all jokes aside though, this is genuinely a masterpiece! i completed all 15 endings on normal in 6 hours (as well as got every achievement bar the hardmode one, entire-game ones, talk option one, and kill option ones), and it was an absolute blast the entire time. i'm gonna finish up the last achievements someday, but reading 200k+ words is a lot so i think i'll maybe update this one last time with that when it happens :P
my one regret is that i got ending 12 first - it naturally feels like it's supposed to be an out of the way one, but i'm a naturally stubborn and determined person so it ended up being the first one i got. i'm absolutely certain that if i'd walked through all of them sequentially, i'd have probably genuinely cried at the end (and i'm chronically emotionally constipated- that's a real feat.)
another game i love (metaware high school (demo)) has one true ending whose impact is fulfilled much more by the generally-fluffy sub-endings alongside it, and while i know that having ending 12 be inaccessible unless all others were completed would be a HUGE drag... hey, i wouldn't be complaining if there was another one added :P!
every ending seems genuinely fulfilling, though, and that's incredibly impressive. not only are they all somewhat hopeful, the message of the game speaks to the never-ending spirit of life (human or otherwise): no matter which ending you get, the plot feels like it's resolved properly. that's really hard to do, from what i can tell, and it's really refreshing when sometimes there's VNs or interactive fiction games whose endings tend towards being "whatever immediately makes sense" - they can be great fun with fluffy stuff, but tend to lose out a bit on the nuance. this game DOESN'T do that, and it's extremely coherent as a result, i think!
plus, you've done an excellent job with every emotional beat - it's only due to meta knowledge that i was able to avoid a likely Bad End in the Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss section, and it was still a crapshoot if i'll be honest. and the description of reactions to traumatic events, emotional digestion, and coping mechanisms is extremely on point with how i'd react personally - i might actually take inspiration or reference for my own writing because it's sorta sparked some ideas in my head.
also trigaea is just incredibly technically impressive - i'm starting out with twine (or i was a few months ago) and i genuinely couldn't imagine how to format most of the things you've done - let alone implement them in a way which is even remotely optimized or reasonable for a janky 2012 laptop to run.
genuinely one of the best games i've played, on top with hacknet and MWHS(D). kudos to your technical skill with coding, game design, and emotional storytelling; your mechanical skill with art, graphic design, and writing, and your empowering model of the world's core issues. you have at least one machine believing in you now!
Ohh my gosh. What an incredible game!! What delightful characters, what a complex and beautiful world. When I started idly browsing the playable-online itch games while procrastinating, I was not expecting to find a game that would completely suck me in for the next two days! I've been delaying studying for an exam but I can't bring myself to regret it at all. Easily one of the most compelling storylines in any game I've played in a long time!
(MILD SPOILERS FOR THE ENDINGS MAYBE? idk, better safe than sorry)
I got ending 11-1 the first time around. I was vibrating with anticipation as soon as I saw the 'reading' option, but I didn't quite figure out where to go from there and just... went to bed haha. A look through the comments led me to ending 12 though! I'll have to check out the other endings soon :D
RynGM, thank you so much for sharing this game! And for free, no less! If you ever decide to charge for this game or any other, I'll happily throw money at you, but in the meantime: thank you thank you thank you!
← Return to game
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Just finished it!!! You my friend are really talented and I comment for the second time ever in itch.io just to let you know what a gem your game is.
I will eventually go for the rest of the endings but not yet. I am too sentimentally attached to my first playthrough right now and I need to let it sink in for a while...
Bless you for this...
THIS WAS SO GOOD this is probably the best story I've ever seen in a game. I felt tense throughout the entire thing and now I wish there was a fanbase for it T_T. 20/10
i will seriously cry again while writing this I LOVED EVERY PART OF IT GOD I WISH THE GAME WENT ON FOEVER IM NOT READY TO LET GO. It's beautifully written and i can't even begin to express my love for Esra, i'm not quick to cry but i swear tears swelled on my eyes on more than one occasion. best game ever <3
Damn,that story hit harder than my dads belt
This is, honestly, one of the best games I think Ive ever played. Best game Ive seen in itch. I do find it funny that even if you one-shot the beast in the tutorial your still injured from it some how.Also its annoying that you can't actually name the save files you make, so whenever I go to load a file I have almost no idea what im actually loading. It's just trial and error.
Edit:also quick question: how do I create a normal new game after completing the game? It only lets me make new game+. I never got the forged in fire achievement.
(Edited for slight spelling errors)
What a game, I most definitely will go back and see how everything else plays out because I'm curious about that. For my first play through however, I managed to obtain the Terra Zero Sum (#7) for my ending.
I regrettably killed many life forms over my play through until I realized non-lethal was the way to go, but I think I made up for it. I'm definitely going to try for Proven Pacifist for NG+
I do have some nags but they're mostly unimportant, one of which is the romance option with Rivers and how you never see her again after she gets carted away when you and Shay go to visit the ship. But, I understand if it was just a small side quest.
Anyhow, I'm not sure how good "Heart of Humanity" is but it sounds like a pretty dope title. Overall, a solid 9/10 experience.
Id love to try this game but for whatever reason I cant. I try to play in the browser (due to my broke ass owning a chromebook) but all I get is a thanks for downloading screen. I try to click next or press any button on the keyboard and it never goes to next. Any suggestions? Are the brain worms convincing me its impossible to play in browser on chrome OS
Hi DeepBlue! I'm currently overseas and nowhere near my machine, so I can't troubleshoot until I'm back, sorry. :/ Can you shoot me through an email on adam.ryncraft@gmail.com with a screenshot? I can try and figure this out once I'm back home.
I sure can
Hey no need to worry about trouble shooting it. I.. somehow(?) fixed it. No idea what I did different
Great to hear, I hope you enjoy it! :)
MY GOD THIS WAS SO GOOD! I'm gonna have to go through it again but I have no idea how I'm going to get all 15 endings without being upset about some of them lmao
I only made an account just to comment here, i was just randomly scrolling itch for a game to play when bored, saw this, thought it seemed interesting, did not expect to play this till almost 12 am, i started playing at around 5 pm.
I love it so much honestly, i dont have any bug reports but i am so invested in this games story and the characters and lore inside. I utterly adore the companion a.i. as well alongside unveiling the backstory of the world. Thank you for creating this game it is such a joy! I havent unlocked any endings yet but i have been so invested in this game, i think it has a LOT of personality, there are small grammer mistakes occassionally but you can look past them I think.
I might be one of the worse reviewers on anything purely because i cannot find the words to describe, but I do highly reccommend it. I love the story it's telling so far and the writing :]
EDIT: My bad, I did not realize that the game only told you how much damage you took AFTER your nanofiber skin absorbed some. I thought the game told you the total damage, and then told you how much was taken away from that damage without actually telling you how much damage you took.
Turns out, the game tells you 'You took this much damage' and only puts the 'your skin absorbed (number)' and adding that number to the damage would get your TOTAL damage. My bad. Also, it seems with the scene editing, the carcass issue is no longer there!! Majorly enjoying this game :) Still a huge fan :D
So my nanofiber skin does not seem to be working. I had 140 health and my enemy striked for 13 damage. Instead of taking 8 damage, I took all the thirteen damage, despite the battle thing saying it got absorbed by my nanofiber skin.
And a smaller thing is that I always subdue enemies, and it describes them fleeing or still being alive, but in the next scene it describes that their corpse is still laying there.
I'm still massively enjoying the game tho, I love it! Finally making time to read all of those extra scenes that were added :)
I'm glad you're enjoying the game and the new scenes!! And I always love when past me fixed a bug before I get to it, he's super convenient that way, lol.
Yes, unfortunately either me, my laptop or both are dumb and my save got deleted LOL. No matter now I'll just get to start all over again and it's not that much of a deal :D My only bummer is that I grinded for hours a day and now all of that is gone LOL LOL. But!! I get to read it all over again and that's the main reason I play :D
Past you is very convenient xD
Is it available for android?
Not in terms of having an APK for the Google store, but I am planning to release a mobile-optimized version for in-browser use.
you should make sprites of the machines and X'irii, i cant help but think the X'irii are bug like people and the machines look like the robots from destiny 2 lmao
If I was an artist, I totally would! The best I could probably do is a 8th grade anime impression.
I still need to make the time to read all the new scenes :') So I have a question; if I download it so that it's staring straight at me from my desktop home page, will it update or will it stay the way it was when I downloaded it? Thank you in advance :)
Not sure I understand the question, but if you download a new version and load an old save, the game will be updated to the new version.
Ah, my bad allow me to explain;
Right now I am playing on browser and if the game gets updated I get to go to itch io and I have the update.
If I download it; will it update, do I have to do that manually or do I have to delete the game and download the newest version? Sorry for being unclear!!
Wow, this has been my first ever finished game on itch.io, and I am blown away! I felt so connected with the storyline and characters, I lost sleep while I was thinking about what to do next! Beautiful art and dialogue, and truly had me sentimental about many people. Thank you for this! I am now going to share this with all of my friends so I can see what type of person they are... haha!
This made me sad, but it also reminded me that this has several endings that will be true with humanity
hi! i noticed that out of nowhere shay started using she/her pronouns after going by he/him for the entirety of our previous encounters, so im curious— is shay genderfluid/nonbinary?
Did they? I thought shay was using she/her the entire time in my playthrough
huh, maybe it got confused due to my sexual orientation choice— i went for mostly men but sometimes women. so shay must have been using male pronouns at first but then the game got confused and swapped it for female? i can't really think of a different reason. especially since a bit later on it was back to he/him like nothing happened. must just be a bug.
My first playthrough was Asexual, but my second was Bi. The same thing just happened to me, where they switched to She/her.
This is most likely a bug. I'm still tracking down all these pronoun errors, so if you come across any, please report them using the bug report function!
Great game and I loved it.
And f*ck you (not really, but I'm sed now).
Edit: I just got endings 11-4 and 12 and my emotions. This is the second game to ever make me choke up (first one being the happiness series). Out of all games I got more invested in two itch.io games than any actual published game.
I would really like to donate money to you. This was really good and you deserve it. If you have a donate button I cant find it. Is there a paypal I can send it to?
Thank you, I really appreciate the thought. :) But the only payment I need is knowing you enjoyed the game!
That said, it you know anyone who would like Trigaea, let them know about it! If not, that's also fine - I have surprisingly little sci-fi loving friends on my side of things, and the ones that like text-based games was even smaller. Finding beta players was a paiiiin. *Inner cry*
I adore text based games and rarely find really good ones. Unfortunately I dont have friends that like them as much as I do but i will definitely try to grab their interest!
I havent looked at your other games yet but I definitely will!
I made an itch acount just to say how good, well written and sad this game is. I hardly slept at night thinking about it. The story and atmoshpere might be better than any AAA game I played. If big studios would make an 3d game based on your lore it would go down in history. 10 / 10 Will play again.
this has been an amazing expirience and i will gladly go through it all again just for the different endings. overall amazing game
Good game but I wonder will there be a Phone port?
The answer is "Yes" and "Maybe"! I've got a mobile-optimized browser version done, I've just got to test it and push it live. That should be playable through the itch.io app on the phone or a regular browser. That said, I'm aware this might add loading times and be less ideal than a downloaded version.
If it's as a proper native app on a mobile store, it's a "Maybe." It's not generally best practice to turn Twine games into APKs and release them that way, and the file size of Trigaea adds some unique issues that other Twine games released as mobile apps don't have. Still, it's something I've looked into before, and might do in the future.
One of the greatest games in existence. Thank you so much. I love your storytelling, and am excited to see what's next.
Game is really great, no doubts.
But her plot is really something.Everything goes to in the way devs wants only thanks to stupidity x stupidity.
Spoilers ahead
Earth is ruled by tyrants and we suffer from it?Let's destroy her!
- But what we do after that?
- Ehh...
We discovered that chosen planet covered by xenophlora and xenophauna?
- Lets kill each other and/or destroy all xenophlora and phauna!
Instead of making temporary base in order to refuel and search for another planet to colonize.Maybe leave outpost for studying.
No that's too smart instead of that we'll risk everything :/
And even after that sentient AI still want to continue this idiocy.
4/5 rate
Hi, thanks for the feedback! Can you please put this behind a spoiler tag, because there's some big reveals there. Just don't want to ruin things for anyone. :)
Oh,sorry , completely forgot, thanks for mentioning!
I don't know how to add spoiler tag in comment section so temporarily made a warning about spoilers and put them deep into "View rest".
No prob, thanks for the edit! That'll work great.
Its a great game but if i could givve an sugestion it would be to make save files nameable and to ask for confirmation before deleting them, just an opinion because i like to save some special parts of the game depending on what they change so i can redo them and see what happens and it gets hard to organize if the save file is a whole sentence
Hey dude if you don't mind me asking where did you get the art from or did you make it yourself?
Hi, great question! The art is not mine but from a number of awesome sci-fi artists who have generously allowed me to use it in my game. The artists are listed in the Trigaea credits with hyperlinks to their art pages and websites.
Thanks for the reply. The art indeed is great. Looks very dystopic but calming for some reason.
This is the best text based Sci-fi RPG game I have ever played, In terms of being the best RPG it is only a few steps away from being the next Undertale, You already have a fandom, Just make a part 2 and you'll be #1 !!
Wow. This game is incredible. I've played a LOT of IF games and this is one of the very best. I can't believe it's free. The gameplay is simple yet rewarding: I kept expecting it to become a grind, but it never quite reached that point. The world-building is fairly standard sci-fi, but it's pretty well done. The prose itself is functional. There's some small errors here and there. The dialogue is good, and characters feel real and speak naturally.
The narrative, however, is EXCELLENT, and absolutely elevates this game above most others. The plot maintains its sense of mystery the entire way through, with just enough information dished out to keep you interested. The characters are interesting and all-too-likeable. And the dilemmas and decisions have real weight. Especially towards the end. The emotional payoff for spending time with this game was more than worth it: by the end, I was incredibly invested in the outcome, in what would happen to the world and the characters I'd met.
(I've just come back from Ending 12 to write this comment and I'm legitimately still crying.)
I'll be recommending this to anyone who will sit still enough to listen to me.
This is an amazingly beautiful game. I was really moved by all the endings and the story. The game is so well written, I'm not even much of a reader but the game's writing captivated me. An easy 10/10.
Damn, man. I highly recommend it to anyone who's wondering if you should play this or not.
Just amazing i was so moved by the storyline i also created a posting in my linkdin platform lol. here it is https://www.linkedin.com/posts/mayukh-roy-9049b722a_ai-experience-tech-activity-... Feel free to connect on LinkedIn or any other platform.
~Fellow enthusiastic gamer
Wow. This game was amazing. Can't think of a better way to put it.
Hey I was thinking of doing a blind review of this game this upcoming week. I do blind reviews of games as part of my channel now. I was thinking of doing it sometime Thursday. If you'd like to be part of the livestream as the dev, if there are some good times for your timezone, let me know before Thursday and we can adjust times.
I was tentatively planning to do it at 12PM on Thursday (GMT -8), Pacific Standard Time (PST). Also here's my channel:
Hi, that sounds great! That should be Friday morning for me. Feel free to send me any other details (like meeting links, etc) on adam.ryncraft@gmail.com.
Awesome! Here's the link to the video, it will stream live at the specified time. I only played about 10 minutes of your game in anticipation of a possible review and I think it looks really cool:
Hi Psychronic! I haven't gotten an email yet, so I'll just ask questions here and delete this post later. :)
1. What exactly is a blind review? I'm guessing from context that it's a review when you haven't played much of the game?
2. How am I going to log in and interact with your livestream? Just in the chat comments?
3. Is there anything else I should know about, in terms of how long you'll be reviewing, or things you might ask?
Thanks in advance!
Feel free to keep this question and post up, I'm happy to answer.
The "Blind Review thing" is a situation in which I'm trying to do reviews on my channel, but pretty raw. If I go into a game totally blind without looking at any of it at all, it might not be ready yet as a game or whatever, and I will try to weed that out.
As for your game, I saw all the comments on it, and I also saw there wasn't a lot of videos for it, and I played for 10 minutes, and already knew it was going to be good. So I want to do a review to get your game more noticed. I am a game developer as well, but I want to review hidden gems. I think your game fits the definition of hidden gem, but I will play your game on Thursday and find out.
Please like and subscribe to our channel as well so you can see our game too. But from seeing the basics of your game, I'm seeing the very fundamentals of RPG's in your game that need to be noticed by other makers of RPG's.
Finished the game today, loved it, here's the last video where I reviewed it. Initially I got Ending 10, which I was satisfied with/ending made sense for how I would be in that position of the Character/outcome I was looking for. I will check out all the other endings too.
beautiful game. ive always loved text-based games and I assumed this one would be your run of the mill sci-fi adventure game. i was wrong, complex characters, backstories, development, and a moral that should be taken to heart are all found within this free game.
I'd write a longer review, but I just finished the game with ending 12 and I'm still trying to get over how good it is sorry.
Might come later once I've settled down to write a comprehensive review, but honestly, I'll probably be too busy completing the rest of the game to do that.
Undoubtedly one of the best games I've ever played, period. A joy from start to finish.
I just started the game but am stuck in the main menu. None of the buttons for my only save slot to set difficulty/settings/etc actually work, and when I select that load slot, the page doesn't update/change with any buttons/links that actually take me to the game itself. What steps am I missing to actually start a new game with my chosen save slot?
Hi Paulineugalde, I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble starting the game! If you email me on adam.ryncraft@gmail.com, I can work through some troubleshooting options for you, and see if we can get you started.
This is one of the few things I'm still hyper fixated on, made me feel inclined to write my own playthrough as a way to keep up with the plot (and add some personal flair and head cannons).
It also encouraged me to learn a bit about twine, writing styles and making impactful characters in narratives.
Thank you so much for making this game, the music is one of the few things that helps me feel both relaxed and hyped at the same time.
crying like a baby. I became waaaaaayyyyy too emotionally attached to Esra. I want to get more endings, but I can't get myself to hurt anyone.
i'm absolutely inconsolable right now and it is ENTIRELY your fault
all jokes aside though, this is genuinely a masterpiece! i completed all 15 endings on normal in 6 hours (as well as got every achievement bar the hardmode one, entire-game ones, talk option one, and kill option ones), and it was an absolute blast the entire time. i'm gonna finish up the last achievements someday, but reading 200k+ words is a lot so i think i'll maybe update this one last time with that when it happens :P
my one regret is that i got ending 12 first - it naturally feels like it's supposed to be an out of the way one, but i'm a naturally stubborn and determined person so it ended up being the first one i got. i'm absolutely certain that if i'd walked through all of them sequentially, i'd have probably genuinely cried at the end (and i'm chronically emotionally constipated- that's a real feat.)
another game i love (metaware high school (demo)) has one true ending whose impact is fulfilled much more by the generally-fluffy sub-endings alongside it, and while i know that having ending 12 be inaccessible unless all others were completed would be a HUGE drag... hey, i wouldn't be complaining if there was another one added :P!
every ending seems genuinely fulfilling, though, and that's incredibly impressive. not only are they all somewhat hopeful, the message of the game speaks to the never-ending spirit of life (human or otherwise): no matter which ending you get, the plot feels like it's resolved properly. that's really hard to do, from what i can tell, and it's really refreshing when sometimes there's VNs or interactive fiction games whose endings tend towards being "whatever immediately makes sense" - they can be great fun with fluffy stuff, but tend to lose out a bit on the nuance. this game DOESN'T do that, and it's extremely coherent as a result, i think!
plus, you've done an excellent job with every emotional beat - it's only due to meta knowledge that i was able to avoid a likely Bad End in the Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss section, and it was still a crapshoot if i'll be honest. and the description of reactions to traumatic events, emotional digestion, and coping mechanisms is extremely on point with how i'd react personally - i might actually take inspiration or reference for my own writing because it's sorta sparked some ideas in my head.
also trigaea is just incredibly technically impressive - i'm starting out with twine (or i was a few months ago) and i genuinely couldn't imagine how to format most of the things you've done - let alone implement them in a way which is even remotely optimized or reasonable for a janky 2012 laptop to run.
genuinely one of the best games i've played, on top with hacknet and MWHS(D). kudos to your technical skill with coding, game design, and emotional storytelling; your mechanical skill with art, graphic design, and writing, and your empowering model of the world's core issues. you have at least one machine believing in you now!
INCREDIBLE. Definitely try this out!
Ohh my gosh. What an incredible game!! What delightful characters, what a complex and beautiful world. When I started idly browsing the playable-online itch games while procrastinating, I was not expecting to find a game that would completely suck me in for the next two days! I've been delaying studying for an exam but I can't bring myself to regret it at all. Easily one of the most compelling storylines in any game I've played in a long time!
(MILD SPOILERS FOR THE ENDINGS MAYBE? idk, better safe than sorry)
I got ending 11-1 the first time around. I was vibrating with anticipation as soon as I saw the 'reading' option, but I didn't quite figure out where to go from there and just... went to bed haha. A look through the comments led me to ending 12 though! I'll have to check out the other endings soon :D
RynGM, thank you so much for sharing this game! And for free, no less! If you ever decide to charge for this game or any other, I'll happily throw money at you, but in the meantime: thank you thank you thank you!
This game is a true masterpiece!
Thank you very much RynGM!