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Wait, spoilers for if you haven't gotten some of the endings, like, all of them.

Can there be a happy ending? Like, maybe a second game ending perhaps? Where the second game takes place after Ending 12, where you choose to leave the simulation using Ash's Progenitor, but, because your in a completely new place, you are reset to being completely normal, without anything, not even the Gun-blade, so you have to forge for new everything, basically starting at square 1 again, but with all the knowledge from the first game, also being able to transfer data from the first game over. There's a lot you can do. But it would still be your game, so you decide.



(7 edits) (+4)

I must say that the storyline of this game is almost a masterpiece. However, if I had to offer one criticism (not including the intense emotions the game invokes, such as pain, suffering, sorrow, powerlessness, despair etc., and whatever you do or choose, you feel like bad guy, as it seems to be one of the main intentions of the game) it would pertain to the endings. I am not sure. They felt too rushed, or too short? To illustrate my point, I will provide an example below, so be warned, SPOILERS ahead:

The first ending I got was 5. After the release of the virus, the game was a bit too quick to skip "a few centuries later". I'm not saying it shouldn't, as it's very nice to see the long-term results of our decisions, but it would be better to give us more information about the immediate consequences and events as well. For instance, what was the initial reaction to the virus from both the aliens and humans? How did things develop after that? What about Leon? What happened to him, did he come to terms with your decision and decide to help you out? How was the human colony destroyed in the process (I know it was due to lack of power and starvation, but you could have gone a bit more into detail)? The MC should feel the pressure of his decisions and the weight on his conscience about how he let all those colonists, including the sweet girl and her mother, slowly starve to death. I mean, the game didn't hold back on inflicting pain, suffering, and sorrow until the endings, but at the moment the player should have been hit hardest, those parts were completely skipped (though this doesn't mean you should only explain these negative parts, but positive things seems to be somewhat covered in "a few centuries later" parts), and endings felt weak compared to the rest of the game, as a result. However, these weren't much of a problem with endings like 11 and 12, where you "die", thus you cannot learn about these things.


ough this was a good game. i got ending four and MY POOR HEART. the moral ambiguity oughhhhhhhhh.


this game kept me up all night, didn't expect to get so enticed by a  game i found just scrolling itchio

(1 edit) (+1)

This game is great. Near perfection.

Btw I got the ending 7 and have no regrets, I get my perfect ending 😃 

(1 edit) (+4)

Simply perfect  (⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠)

But, could someone, maybe the author, create a playlist with all the music in this game? They are really good 👍

(2 edits) (+5)

hello hello i made an account just to post this comment (hope that is a testament to how amazing this story is) THIS IS SO HEART-WRENCHING AND I WASN'T EXPECTING TO FALL IN LOVE WITH A GAME TODAY

The whole premise is just done so beautifully that replaying it somehow hurts even more than the first playthrough -- though nothing can truly beat my first experience with the 'true ending' (it took a couple head scratches to figure it out, but that's just because I'm not as quite as intelligent as our 170+ IQ MC)

Even though I am more than a year late to the conclusion of this project, goodness I wish I could shower this game (and our collectively traumatised MC and Esra) in more love!! I'll definitely be feeling empty for a while after this...

Eternally (okay, strong wording considering the themes of eternity in this game) grateful to the wonderful RynGM for making this game and touching the hearts of everyone who had the honour of playing Trigaea <3

When will this be available for Android?

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

You can play it on Android, but I wouldn't recommend it, due to a lot of reasons I won't mention here. The steps for playing on Android are pretty simple, but it's browser-only.

(Also, I've only tested this on Chrome, so you'd have to be on that or another Chrome-like browser.)

Le Steps: 

1. In the settings drop down, turn on Desktop Site (or the option similar to this).

2. Hit Run Game. Make sure the start screen is fully loaded in before moving on to step 3. Or, you can also play like this, which is what I did.

3. Same as Step 1. Your browser will reload in the Android version, but because your game screen was open it will assume you're playing it on a desktop, and the game screen will stay in the desktop format, despite scaling down to the Android version's screen.

This process works for any browser-based game of this genre, as long as it's on, but step 3 doesn't always work and the game screen ends up looking butchered. In that case, you'll just have to redo upto step 2, and play that way.

If someone has found a better way than this to play on Android, do reply to this with your process. This is simply what I found based on experimenting.


Just finished the game (I got ending 10, but checked out other endings after), and wow, it's perfect! A good story is the one that captivates you, and makes you feel a little bit changed when you finish it and a little bit sad that it has ended. Trigaea did exactly that.
Can't wait too see more of this world, via future games, books or anyhting else. This has become one of my favourite games.

I did not hear any athmospheric background soundtrack / athmo. Is there any? If not, it is missing.


If you're on PC, try doing "Open As Admin" on the exe file.

If you're on browser, maybe mute the other tabs and reload this page, I'm not sure, it didn't happen to me when I played it here.

(2 edits) (+3)

Now it works (In the online-version here under "run game")

But I stopped playing, since I was only testing, so I returned to the comment-section (which did not pause the game) and now the soundtrack doesnt stop :/

Constructive critic:
One thing that I always find annonying (I am a music producer and sounddesigner) in similar game concepts but also in point and click-adventures: Once you have music playing in a scene, it is quite shocking if the music stops abrupt if I enter another scene. The music of scene1 schould shortly fade out, while the new scene2 is building up / appearing. A crossfade is maybe non-trivial to produce, but a simple fade-out of 2-3 seconds should be possible and if you combine that with a delay of 1 second before oyu place the music-start at the following scene, you should automatically have a smooth crossfade...

Something like in Shards Of God, which is a point´n´click, but features scene-swapping as well ...
Shards of God by Honza Vávra, PacoDiago (


This game is almost perfect, good job!

what would make it perfect in your eyes

A complete happy ending


Just remembered that this was a thing, loaded it up to try some games, and boom, the most creative game I've played in quite a while. (New to interactive novels btw)

Such a cool concept, the music is perfect for the game, the dialogue so far is super engaging and fun, and as someone who isnt huge into Turn based combat in general, I enjoy the higher emphasis on world progression then fighting. 

I can see how much has gone into this game. Thank you so much


I seem to got ending 12 for my first try.
I think it the true ending.

(1 edit) (+5)(-4)

really loved this game! i might play through at least the ending again sometime. it felt really impactful! (i got ending 4!) also, a couple things -

a) i wish there was an option to make our characters trans! (there's a nonbinary option, ofc, but i was so happy to see that leon, like myself + the character i was playing, conceptually, was a trans dude - i just wish there was some dialogue option that let it be possible we were both on the dna manipulation or somesuch. really minor gripe/suggestion, i get you can't program in all options!) additionally, during some of the dialogue at the end stage, gabriel's pronouns are switched from they/them to he/him - is that intentional/do they use they/he, or is that a misprint? 









b) maybe i'll have to play through the game again to figure out this one, but is there any correlation between the pc's dialogue with esra about reading a book being a way to tell you're in a simulation and all the books you can pick up? that's not even a note thats just something i'm curious about 

c) i saw in a comment down below you're thinking of writing a book set in this universe! that sounds awesome, i'd love to check it out once it's done!

d) outta curiosity - is there an ending you consider to be 'canon', or a favorite you have? i get it if not, of course, but i'm just curious if you've got any darlings!

(1 edit) (+1)

I can answer B-- idk if you got other endings, so spoilers (or implied spoilers..?) but that conversation is foreshadowing/related to the 11 (all of them), and 12 endings :)

(2 edits) (+3)(-1)

Hi Seraf, I'm really glad you enjoyed the game! Here's my answers in order. :D

**** SPOILERS *****






1. I'm really glad someone liked the fact Leon is trans, since I wanted to get some more transness in there. In the Rosettaverse, everyone on Earth is raised NB until they reach a certain age, and then they get the ability to choose during their Distinction, and sometimes opt to take Endegene and/or change their name (But they can have a second/third/Xth Distinction whenever they want). They usually get a gender-neutral 'birth name' up until that point, which they can opt to keep. I've been explaining it a little bit more in my book and the short stories I'm working on right now. It'd be cool if I could work in a good way to choose that for the protag in the game. With Gabriel, though, it's an error - the pronoun code in my game is buggy as all get out due to some changes I made halfway through development. :/ 

2. The books originally started as a way for me to have the player spend more time with Esra (AKA I wanted excuses for flirting), and show both the player and Esra's personality. But I wrote them with almost every book being representative of their current situation. Most of the intentional Ending 11 foreshadowing happens during the optional Progenitor memories, but hey, I'm happy to look smarter than I am. :)

3. Well I'll be making a lot of noise and sharing it here when it's published, so I'd love it if you (and everyone else) checked it out when it is! I've written the full draft, I'm putting it down to rest before going back for edits, then looking for beta readers, etc. Hoping to get it traditionally published, but who knows? I'm just writing short stories for comps in the Rosetta-verse in the meantime, fiction-wise. I'm hoping to incorporate some of the expanded lore back into Trigaea at some point.

4. They're *all* my darlings! I had to do it that way, because I didn't want to 'punish' anyone for picking an ending I didn't ideologically agree with, so I forced myself to treat them as equally as possible (Except for Ending 1, which is sort of a Bad End in a different wrapper). I do have an idea of which one is Canon if I ever did a Trigaea 2, but I won't share it unless that comes up. :) But if you held a gun-blade to my head, I'd saaay... 

  • Ending 3, because Esra winds up in a X'irii body, and it feels a bit romantic.
  • Ending 7, because I love the contradiction that nobody picks it in a game, yet as a species we choose anthropocentrism all the time in reality. 
  • Ending 12, because well, it's happy and bitter-sweet, and Esra and the player are still there (So I can still ship them).

On a side note, can I ask you to remove the bit about "being a way to tell you're in a simulation" in your message, or put it behind a spoiler tag? I don't want to ruin any twists for folks reading the comments before playing. :)


oh, my bad! i'll try and figure out how to edit the comment now! thank you for your reply!


Wow. Beautifully written, absolutely exquisite world -- I'm surprised this whole thing is free. Twists were set up excellently, but never feeling too obvious or out of left field. Philosophical without falling into the "#deep" over-engineered side (hard to describe what I mean by this, but hopefully that's somewhat clear).

I got ending 11 first (technically 11-3, but they're all connected, so I really just did them one after the other). Doing 11-3 and 11-2 and then 11-1... dunno why, but it hit hard. Me, knowing; my avatar, blissfully ignorant. Maybe that's kinder? I'll be honest I cried during these end parts; pretty much throughout endings 10-12. Congrats on making it onto the list of maybe 4 other games that have made me cry!

Ugh. I'm genuinely OBSESSED with this. I want to burn Trigaea into my mind so it's accessible at all times. This is going to become my current fixation.

This is probably one of my favorite IF pieces ever. Hats off to you, Adam. Damn.


i love this game and its puzzles 


Good news: I rediscovered the game after scrolling on Itch!

Bad news: I lost my save and stuff

...wait, that's even better news, because now I can re-experience it from the start!


Only gonna do hard mode this time around >:DD

Deleted 1 year ago

Messaged in Walkthrough post, but sorry, it doesn't exist in the game yet.😢


This is so amazing, I don't even know how to describe! I just finished all of the endings (I got ending 4 first) and I was so shocked by how what I thought was going on was so completely different than what happened on each path. And your writing is brilliant; I love how philosophical the themes in the game are; I love thinking about how we determine whether life is valuable and worth saving. And at first, the idea of changing your DNA to be more plant-like or alien-like seems disturbing, but that's also what makes it so intriguing.

Anyways, that's all to say that I love your game and I'd be happy to support in any way I can!

(1 edit) (+2)

Second trigaea appreciation post, because wow this game is amazing.

Only complaint is I can't play it again (came back cause I randomly remembered and then went through my rollercoaster of emotions again)

(1 edit) (+3)

Amazing game! I came not expecting much and was blown away by how good the story is.


Wow. It's been a hot minute since a game has moved me to tears.

(2 edits) (+3)

I've done everything that can possibly be done. I'm sad because there is not more to do. I rate this game 9.5 / 10, there are a few bugs in this game, but otherwise it is incredible. If you added more to it, I would definitly play it again.




That shouldn't be possible! I'm baffled. :O


I did the new game+, then I didn't die since.


My play through was 6-8 hours, ending 11-1. I played on normal difficulty and did a complete pacifist run. The story is so good that if it had instead been a Sci-Fi novel, I would have been willing to pay maybe $20 to add it to my collection for re-reading rather than just going through it once. The combat and leveling mechanics made for some fascinating game play, but the scaling and difficulty felt a bit off, and made the early game tricky, the mid-game way to hard and overly luck dependent, and the late game ridiculously easy. The pacing of the game was really good although some of the layout was formulaic(Explore the area, find the town, speak to the townspeople, be to poor for the shop, accept the citizen's quest, forced combat sections, personal story, quartz crystal, repeat). I had some trouble with the save states, but I'm very glad they were included. The visuals are stunning and the art clicks together. The hint to the final twist is placed really ingeniously into the story, that I actively dwelled on it for a minute or two, but didn't get the ramifications until the very end. The ending was a really nice way to take the stress off of the final decisions for the player. Overall, 9.8/10, would play again, made for some good food for thought and would recommend to friends, only a few elements that I would have tweaked to my personal preference, which in no way hindered the game's appeal or play-ability. I very much look forward to your future projects Adam. Why does the game's more information list the session to be half an hour I was up until 3 AM finishing this thing.

(2 edits) (+4)

Thank you so much for playing this game and sharing your thoughts, I'm glad you really enjoyed it! :D And yeah, the game page makes you put in "average duration" like for a session or something, and I had no idea how long people would play for. Most people go hardcore in from start to finish, so maybe I should update it? 

In terms of books, I'm working hard on a novel at the moment (at 95k) which is in what I'm tentatively calling right now the "Rosetta-verse" (Which Trigaea is in), and it's eating my whole life. Static fiction is hard. Hopefully there will be something folks can put on the shelf one day!


When you finish, I'd be happy to proof read and offer suggestions on how to make it better.


yooooo where will it be?

Not sure yet, got to find a publisher! :)

(1 edit) (+1)

oh i can't wait! i love your work, keep it up :)


On the human side, if you get killed by leon, it shows this message:

Is there an ending there, is it saying that you can't respawn from the progenitor, or is it just a bug?


It's a bug, sorry about that! I'll look into it. :/ 

.. Como se traduce al español-?

Lo siento no hay version en español. :(


How many times I wondered about mix of story, choice and battle.. not some kind of dismembered corpse of those. I had some hard time reading since english is not my native language, yet it was very good.

many choice games ignores something between story and story. story is writing, it means endless wave of words, sentences. reading all of them for hours are very tired and painful, even while the story is interesting. that's where artwork and battle, or mini-games even- should come in.

and dang, I'm still recovering from emotional damage this game caused to me. because all of characters and their reasons makes sense.. it was hard to decide. in the end, I got 11-1. the mental fatigue was real, and after seeing all that flaws and conflicts, loss made me turn away from any more decision making.. by real death. funny, I'm thanatophobia for real.


This game ruined me in the best possible way. My stubbornness got me to ending 12 on my first run, and holy mother of anything and everything was it good.

(minor spoilers, maybe? warning just in case)
And boy, did I cry. Not just because of the ending and the multiple loops it threw me for in the end, but the depth of the lore and history of the game and its world. It is such a realistic story even if it is SciFi, and I could imagine it happening in some distant future.

The writing was simple in a way, entertaining and emotional, all at once. The art was great, the sound effects added to the immersion, and don't even get me started on the characters! I can't decide who I like the most, only who I dislike, but even then, they were well-written so I can't really complain at all!

The only thing I wanna mention is the fact that there may be some problems with the names and pronouns of some of the characters. Sometimes (although very rarely) they are replaced by others, and I wonder if it is a stray mistake or something with some code somewhere. It mostly happened with Shay for me, especially with the name, but it wasn't exclusive to them.

I'm definitely gonna play this again, and I highly recommend it to anyone reading this! Personally, I gotta go finish sobbing and get over my emotional attachment before I delve back into it...
10/10... No, more like 15/10.

Same thing here

I'm interested in this game, but is it possible for it to be played on Android? I feel a lot more people would be onto this game if it were.


Playing the game is quite fun, right now im in the part where shay's little girl is introduced and now im gonna beat the crap out of that bully.


So at the start of the game I was given a weapon chip and told that if I ever lost my weapon, I could make a new one. I don't think I ever saw a time where I lost and lost my weapon and I needed to use the weapon chip

That being said this game was amazing, and I'm looking forward to getting the other endings for this game later.


I think its an in-game explanation of how you have your gunblade after each death without doing a corpse run.


this game was so beautiful, very grateful that i got to play it



This game, absolutely stunning. just grinded out every ending and man, were they emotional. The 11-12 endings have to be my favorite, and i nearly cried at 11.4 especially. i wish Ash were properly alive, its the only thing thatd make it a better ending than 12. And all the rest, of course, were perfectly done. Making your choice and then, centuries later, still paying the price for whichever species you sacrificed, though funnily enough ending 4 seemed like a pretty damn happy one. Anyway, excellent game, will probably replay a lot. if anything else like this exists, i need it in my life.


loved it. excellent story and well built world. highly recommend.

(1 edit) (+6)


First thing I need to say is, wow, my tears ducts have run dry after this I swear. I just finished and went back to do all the endings and I think my favourite would have to be ending #4 with Esra. I remember them saying Esra was modelled after a human mind, and I like to believe some parts were of Ash. The quote especially for ending #4 "In a distant land, a garden, free of weeds, grows new and unique flowers. I watch them with you." makes me want to believe Esra and the MC were able to find companionship (maybe some love) and happiness in each other in that last life together, with a special emphasis on just being able to chill after everything that happened.



Loved it, I love the way you did the turn-based combat, and having to use different forms for different tasks was fun. I loved the story and how in the end (#2 the first one that I got) it all came to a climax and you got closure. I'm sad that I never got to use the Rosetta to save an infected robot, of course, if I really wanted to I could have gone out of my way to do it. I love that in this game your choices really do matter. Also, the part where a robot pretends to be you was fun because of how it was handled. I really wish that closer to the end you could go back to the core (if you chose to unplug it instead of killing it) and repair it. The only other thing that I can think of to add would be a way to revisit scenes that you've already finished (not getting rewards) and go back through the dialogue, it'd also be nice if, in large swaths of dialogue, there was a back button to go back to the previous page.


Wowwwww I loved this game, it was amazing! I was obsessed with this while I was playing it and had trouble putting it down. The fights were pretty engaging, I loved how you needed to adopt different strategies with different enemies so it always kept things interesting. I also liked that I didn't ever feel like I needed to grind to level up. The way that death is incorporated as a game mechanic was super interesting and I loved it, I think it's cool that death is almost a mandatory part of the game. itchio doesn't have a tag for "choices matter" I think but boy this game really is a choices matter type game, and the way the game handles your choices (and mistakes!) was really well done, I was super impressed. Especially some of the decisions towards the end were really tough to make, I had to sit and think for a while about what I wanted to do. I'm actually super happy with my ending (I got #10) so I'm reluctant to go back and change things, but I am super curious about what happens in the other endings so I will (even though I fully expect to be emotionally devastated by them). I was really attached to the characters (especially Esra, of course) and thought the world-building was really good as well. I think a text-based game is hard to pull off, and I've read some pretty good ones, but this is definitely one of the best, and one of my favorite games I've played in a while.

(2 edits) (+1)

Hi! I downloaded the game. Is it meant to take me to an internet explorer page with the game? I don't personally see how it's different from the web version since it's still on the web, but none of my saves are there anymore so I'm pretty sure that it is different ^^ sorry for the silly question!!

EDIT: Seems the art is also covered by the choice panel thingy (a lot of it is just black and then hovering in it are the choice buttons, so a big black bar is at the bottom of the screen) and the only way to get it out is to zoom fully out but then I can't read the text anymore. I'm so sorry for all the messages gaaaah I'm genuinely loving the game I hope this does not come across as some complaining saga cuz it's NOT. Just me trying to figure out if my laptop is broken or if I'm doing something wrong but if I'm not then this is really cool :D - so sorry tho. I love this game ^^ 

Hi Spirit! I'll answer your questions to the other post here as well. :)

  • Yes, the downloaded version is still HTML-based, so it plays through a browser. I wouldn't recommend you run anything through Internet Explorer, though, since that's officially a dead browser. I'd try Chrome and see what happens.
  • When you play the browser version of the game and the downloaded version, they technically count as different game instances, so the browser saves are different. However, you can still play your old game by going to the version, saving the game to disk, and then going into the downloaded version and loading the save file from disk. Bit convoluted, but this should work.
  • Not really sure what's happening with your choice panel. Can you save your game and send it to, along with a screenshot of what's going on your desktop?
  • In terms of sound, sometimes when you load the game, the game doesn't remember what music or sound was triggered. It tends to fix itself once you go to an area where new music and sound is triggered, like the main camp. Not sure if that helps.
  • The bioregeneration isn't a bug, it's a feature. :D In the tutorial, Esra gives you plant bits, so you heal in combat. Benefits of being human. That said, if it's triggering before you even meet Esra, that's probably a bug.

Hopefully some of this helps, but if not, email me with the deets and the save file! That's the best way I've found to troubleshoot this stuff.

Hi! So sorry for the bother :') This game, believe it or not, is one of my special interests LOL 

~Gotcha, I thought either something went wrong, my laptop was being stupid or I did something wrong (I thought the last one was the most likely since I'm absolutely terrible with technology LOL) but it's good to know that that is indeed the downloaded version! I only mentioned the saves to convince myself 'yup this is totally the downloaded version, otherwise my saves would still be there!' haha! 
~The choice panel is only when I play via the downloaded version, but I'll see what I can do! (Cuz again, terrible with technology!) I will first try to see if I can access Chrome and if the choice panel is fixed, if it is then I'll leave a little comment that it's all good and if it isn't I'll follow your instructions ^^ hope that is okay!! 
~That does help, thank you! My player character stepped out of the Progenitor and I heard a click and I was like  '....wait just that? Where's the woosh? Where's the dramatic sloshing of liquid vanishing?' LOL. I thought 'there must've been an update to edit sounds' but turns out there isn't ^^ I have noticed that if I go to another area, the music fixes itself usually. Thing is, when I go inside with the first Quartz Chip, and I 'Trudge along the ruins' then go inside, the ruin music still plays with wind and all, so that's why it stood out to me. But there are indeed little ways to fix this, so thank you for telling me those :D 
~Huh, that's good to know. I guess it's just a coincidence then, because I've never, ever had bioregenaration before I had the update. It only triggered and healed me in exploration and combat after I got the update for 40 Microchips and I didn't get that one yet, so I was like 'woah, what is happening here?! Since when do I heal-' but it's good to know it's the plant bits ^^ I genuinely think the forms and different reactions/benefits are so cool tho :D 

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my rambles, and terribly sorry for my rambles at the same time!! I still have to find the time to sit down and play through all the new scenes, but one day... one day I will! 
I swear, you could put this game down for money and I'd buy it, I love it so much. I genuinely can't wait to see more IF there's gonna be more ^^ I hope you have a wonderful awesome day!! 

(1 edit) (+1)


I feel like the sounds have changed since the last time I played. And I played after the lastest update. The Progenitor door feels a little... off, lacking of sound. Base camp doesn't have the lighthearted music either, but idk... Just remember it not being like that the first time I played after the update. 

Now that I think of it, I've restarted the game multiple times due to experiencing sound glitches. Sounds play wrong, or snippets of songs play. Such as the crashing sound, it's like someone spamming pause and play on a movie. The music from one place carries over to another place and if I try to fix it, there's no music anymore at all. 

HOWEVER... And I want to make this clear... It could just be the fact that my laptop is falling apart, which is what I suspect, to be honest. 

EDIT: Okay I feel like there's definitely something going on. I have just begun a new playthrough, not a SINGLE upgrade. Yet, I heal in the midst of battle... I don't think that should be possible, right? I have NOT had the Bioregenaration update yet, so I should NOT be regenerating...? I'm .. very confused :') 
I hope my message doesn't sound rude! 

I wish I had the time and energy for a full playthrough with all the new scenes added again but I have not gotten there yet :') Someday I am going to see all of these scenes. 

I honestly can't wait for the next update(s) if they're coming. Chain events, that you mentioned, if you're still working on that, sound awesome. I just can't wait to see what becomes of this game. Whatever becomes of it, I know I'll be playing it for as long as it goes :D 

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